Environmental CO2 Footprint Report

This report is a preliminary assessment of the environmental footprint of the company Pavlos N. Pettas. The analysis only refers to the company's production facilities that operate in Greece. All of these facilities are located within the industrial area of Patras and include one unit of production of edible oils, specialty fats and margarines and one unit of biofuel production (biodiesel).

This analysis was based on the principles of the "Greenhouse Gas Protocol" and the calculation methods described in the IPCC Guidelines for national emission inventories and the Guide for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories EMEP / EEA. The analysis includes:

  • The consumption of raw and auxiliary materials.
  • The fuels and electricity consumption.
  • The water consumption.
  • The calculation of the emissions of greenhouse gases and other gases from the plant operation. They also include the direct emissions from fuel and the indirect emissions due to the electricity consumption supplied to the units through the distribution network.
  • The recording of the generated waste (solid and liquid) and the management practices followed.

The following table presents some key indicators that reflect the current levels of consumption (water and energy) and emissions from the operation of the production unit.

Parameter Production of edible oils & fats Production of margarine Production of biodiesel
Water Consumption 0,20 lt / kg 0,23 lt / kg -
Energy Consumption 0,25 kWh / kg 0,47 kWh / kg 0,32 kWh / lt
CO2 Emissions 0,09 kg CO2 eq / kg 0,31 kg CO2 eq / kg 0,11 kg CO2 eq / lt

The evaluation of the environmental footprint could assist in the following:

  • To update clients on the environmental performance of the company.
  • To assess the trend in consumption and emissions produced on the basis of adequate indicators (such as those presented in the table) and develop appropriate restrictive measures to reduce the footprint if needed.
  • For the systematic recording of the footprint of these facilities and the further expansion of these calculations in order to include all company activities and other indirect emissions that are expected to have particular importance in an enterprise with significant imports and a very strong exporting profile.
  • To prepare the company in the direction of developing and applying voluntary environmental management systems (e.g. EMAS, ISO 14001) or systems that evaluate the environmental footprint of products.

It must be noted that the calculation of the environmental footprint is a process with high demands on data and assumptions (or even a part of them) which are often not in the control of the party in interest. Due to the fact that the footprint has been widely applied in recent years covering various levels of analysis (supranational, national and regional level, but services and products as well) a number of standards and/or guidelines are under development in order to calculate the footprint and determine the contents of the calculation (i.e. which specific activities constitute the object of analysis). Examples include the English PAS 2050 (by the British Standards Organization) entitled "Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services", the extension of the GHG Protocol by WRI / WBCSD (completed on 04/10/2011) in order to cover the life cycle analysis of Enterprise, the provision of services and goods and the development of a relative ISO standard.